Hand-sewing Lycra, Scale Footwarmers, And A Corset!

Well, I decided that I really didn’t feel like trying to work with 6 layers of lycra fabric at a time on a machine for my first time sewing spandex. I know I have more control with hand-sewing, and spandex is rather forgiving, so I’m having a go at sewing zig-zag stitch by hand!

Zigzag detail

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I’ve been busy! Links to all my pages!

Hi everyone! Okay, it looks like I might be able to get my ducks in a row and let my life calm down a little. I’ve been going crazy trying to set up business stuff and make sure I’m represented on all the important websites/social media! Let me take you on a little tour of my awesome new pages – with pictures of what I’ve been up to! (As always,  click photos to embiggen – links to pages will be under the pictures)

Time Traveller's Key


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Researching Obsessively…

Well, it seems the Dressing Gown costume will have to wait at least another day, if not longer, because I need more duct tape for a mannequin, because I want this sucker to be STRONG and not collapse with the beating I am certain it will get. I also have some plaster laying around the house, I wonder if that would work to make a more durable mannequin? After the removal of the tape, of course – I’m already planning on compressing a bit to make up for the bulk of the shirt and tape, I’m not about to go standing in one spot with plaster on me all day!

In the meantime, I’ve been researching the heck out of my next costume. This one I want for Christmas, because it’s just so darn cozy-looking – pretty much my style for winter. The problem is, even though the movie has been out for almost a year now, pretty much no one has made costumes from this movie, which I am just aghast at – I guess it shows me how hardcore of a nerd/crafter I am. I haven’t even seen the movie yet! So, the fact that no one has gotten down and dirty (literally) with these costumes means that I have the immense joy of doing ALL of the initial backbreaking, hair-pulling, teeth-gnashing research. Thankfully, there are some folks who managed to take pictures at different angles at exhibits, which helps so very much. But that’s about as far as everyone else’s research goes. I found one other person who was looking into making this outfit some time ago for a friend to match his own.

I’ve been researching for 24 hours straight.

…With some breaks to eat and such, of course. Which reminds me, I really should put another pot of coffee (with cinnamon!) on soon…

Ahem. back on topic.

“Miyu, what is this awesome movie and costume that requires so much research?” you may ask. Well, lovelies, I shan’t keep you waiting any longer!



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A slight delay…

Hello blogosphere… It’s been a few days since my last update. Here’s why:

I finished sewing up the front of the bodice. It sits very nicely on me now! Without all those hooks and eyes on the front, there’s no puckering, so the front is nice and smooth and flat now, ideal for decorating.

So I set about to make the pattern to cut out my velvet pieces. However, the base bodice itself is made of a slightly stretchy material. This means that no matter what I do, laying it flat isn’t going to give me an accurate pattern. Add to this the fact that the velvet has just a little more stretch than the base fabric, and it means that, after cutting and sewing everything together, it may not fit me properly.

I have a solution, though – I’ll be making a duct tape double, a mannequin in my exact size and proportions. This will save me so much time and hair-pulling, since, for the first time in all the years I’ve been costuming, I’ll be able to drape, draft, and fit things properly to myself! I’m so excited!

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