Mermaid Tail – Finished! (almost)

As you all may know, I’ve been working on trying to finish my mermaid tail for a costume contest (deadline was yesterday). I finished it enough for a photoshoot! I still have to go through and put some finishing touches on it before swimming in it (such as actually making a waistband – I used a bit of fishnet as a belt to hide my unfinished waistline).

We managed to get out to a local swimming hole/park to take some photos – it was cloudy and raining, but it turns out that it was the perfect lighting! I also learned a few things about photoshoots in full mermaid costume – there were edges of towels peeking out and I positioned my fluke ends funny a few times, but I think all the shots were phenomenal anyways!

Now, without any further ado, mermaid picspam!



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Hand-sewing Lycra, Scale Footwarmers, And A Corset!

Well, I decided that I really didn’t feel like trying to work with 6 layers of lycra fabric at a time on a machine for my first time sewing spandex. I know I have more control with hand-sewing, and spandex is rather forgiving, so I’m having a go at sewing zig-zag stitch by hand!

Zigzag detail

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