Hand-sewing Lycra, Scale Footwarmers, And A Corset!

Well, I decided that I really didn’t feel like trying to work with 6 layers of lycra fabric at a time on a machine for my first time sewing spandex. I know I have more control with hand-sewing, and spandex is rather forgiving, so I’m having a go at sewing zig-zag stitch by hand!

Zigzag detail

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Gipsy Dharma Goodness!

My good friend Morticia Mermaid got a present from her man last week – some of the coveted Gipsy Dharma boots! She let me try on a pair, though I didn’t lace them to fit, so no pics of me wearing them. Instead, here’s a couple of Morticia instead!

Morticia Gipsy Dharma

She got several pairs in different colors, but I think the black is her favorite! ❤

Morticia Gipsy Dharma Boots

I really like how adjustable they are! You lace up the various panels to fit your legs! 🙂 Just feast your eyes on that skin-tight, buttery-soft elfen goodness!

Morticia Gipsy Dharma Boots 2

And since they have a zipper, once you have all the laces adjusted, putting on and removing them is so quick!

Gipsy Dharma runs regular contests/giveaways on their Facebook, and make sure to check out all of their beautiful offerings at WWW.GIPSYDHARMA.COM!