Fundraising Fun!

Hi everyone! I know I haven’t posted in a while… A combination of holiday season busy-ness and getting sick knocked me out of blogging for a while… I couldn’t think of anything to say! Well, I’m not sick anymore, so here’s what I’ve been working on!

Mermaid Fundraiser!!!

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I’m not dead!

…Just busy busy busy. I’m working on a lot of costumes and things. Big costume photodump coming soon, I should think. I’ve been sick, so the going has been slow.

I’m finishing up my mermaid top, and thus will be putting together the full tutorial as well. (Step-by-step progress can be seen here:!-Pic-heavy-Mini-tutorial)

I’m also finishing up one stretch velvet mermaid tail – all the pieces are cut, I’m making veining on the fins, and will be sewing the whole thing together shortly, as well as adding a few sequin “scale” patches.

I’m going to cut out the pieces for my wild-scale-print spandex tail soon as well, when I’m finished with the top. Thankfully I have a fake monofin made out of cardboard, coat hangers, and duct tape – I’m still dreaming of my own actual monofin as hard as I possibly can! 😛 I traced my friend’s Hydra monofin because I discovered I really like that monofin.

Also, finishing up my first cloak. Of course I’m ambitious and it’s a fancy cloak, I drafted the pattern based on Galadriel’s big fancy cloak from Lord of the Rings 😀